Week 15!
Welcome to week 15! The days are getting shorter and I find myself lingering in bed for a few more minutes than I probably should but it feels right and its really friggin’ dark at 6 am now never mind 5! With just a few weeks left in the CSA season, we are making plans for fall construction season - that brief period of time after the main season, before the snow flies where we try to cram a years worth of project time into a month or so.
The annual work visit from Genica’s father, the 72 year old work horse, lead construction foreman, and seasonal motivator, will begin this coming Sunday. I honestly don’t know where this place would be without his help and every fall we edge a little closer to the reality of our dreaming. We have many plans but at the very least we are hoping to close in our barn and make it more cozy for the winter! Having another space for projects, seed starting in the late winter, and proper vegetable/flower storage will be a vast improvement!! In addition we are planning on finishing the kitchen in our little house (upgraded from tiny two falls ago) and putting the finishing, comfy touches on our living space. Fingers crossed - best laid plans. Below are some photos of the timeline of our barn where CSA happens every week! I hope you enjoy!
On to the share:
We saw the first week of spinach. Raw or cooked yum.
a few heads of lettuce for your salad needs. Try with the spinach for a delicious salad.
a bunch of beets. I shaved some onto a salad recently but you could try roasting them once of these cool nights. Here is a recipe.
a couple yellow onions
some garlic. We took a whole cloves and put it in the oven as we cooked potatoes and roasted it for about 40 minutes. We carefully cut the very top so the cloves were exposed. It turned into a kind of garlic paste that was mild and delicious.
just about 3# of yellow potatoes for mashing, steak fried, baking, whatever!
Some Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers for those who took them! One member did a quick pickle of them. Cooking them reduces the heat.
Here are some views from the farm:
There used to be tomatoes in here! Now there are winter greens.
Kale, spinach and carrots coming along in a greenhouse.
Putting the first posts in on a wet day May 2018
G and her dad triumphantly digging!
Installing the first trusses for the roof! With G and her mom and dad! September 2018.
Site work for the concrete slab. Also a roof. May 2019
Open air wash pack building. I used to pretend I was in a tropical place and there was no need for walls. Then I realized we live in Vermont and the wind pissed me off. Sometime in 2019
Getting ready for garage doors! September 2020
Taken this morning. In all its glory. We’re gaining on it.
Thank you all!! I hope you have a great week and eat well!!